

Coaching Quotes:

How has coaching enhanced your business career?

Because ProMeridian's coaches have done the jobs of the people they coach, you don't have to waste time explaining what you do, your company culture, etc. You get real-life experience and immediate results.

I understand the importance of "good-enough" versus perfection and when to use it. We get a lot more done!

We are making higher levels of contribution both to our customers and within our organization.

Coaching saves me time and makes me money.  You can't beat that!

Our communication is stronger as a management team and we are focused on win-win solutions.

My coach saved our company $500,000 by having a one hour conversation on contract negotiations.

To prepare for retirement, I used a coach to begin my life as an independent consultant. They taught me how to structure proposals and pricing. My first contract netted an additional $25,000 because of their methods. That one hour of coaching was the best investment I ever made.

I can see my business contributions more clearly and others recognize my value.

I lead with integrity and focus on what we can do rather than what we can't do.

My sense of personal and professional balance is stronger than ever.

We experienced more significant results using ProMeridian than we could on our own.

I have improved my confidence and my personal impact as a leader.

Learning specific techniques that I can apply immediately and see the results has inspired me to lead my organization in a new way.

My focus on how I can positively impact and influence others in my company is much higher and the results prove it!

I can provide a significantly higher level of leadership and support for the corporate direction.

How has coaching enhanced your personal life?

I have improved my confidence and my personal impact as a leader.

Who I am at work and at home are finally one in the same.

I have clarity and focus around my priorities.

I am having fun again with my family and coworkers.

I have more time and more money.

Finally I see my intentions, results and where the gaps are for me.

I am more confident as a leader in my own home.

My personal goals are as important as my professional goals....finally.

Better relationships with my family members.

The numbness I have felt for years is slowly turning into internal joy.

I have a better perspective and a healthier view of life and my contributions.