"PMI's ability to integrate strategic thinking in the areas of business and executive safety were incredible. I think about levels of awareness, assess risk through several filters and position myself/my company for exit strategies prior to needing them. I am three or four steps ahead in my personal and professional thinking than where I use to be prior to attending the Executive Survival Skills event." VP of Development, International Marketing Division "Thank you for sharing your experiences with our attendees at the Linkage Conference for Organizational Development. Your talk on implementing Large Scale Change Efforts and the impact on people, process, products/services and pricing really hit home. The attendees liked the focus on the importance of balancing the day-to-day operations to keep the "lights on" while changing significant business process to enhance business, leverage efficiencies and positively impact customers." "You truly are a diamond in the desert Therese. Your workshop on Platinum Relationships took me to a whole new level of consciousness. Handling stress, managing financial roller coasters, and rethinking the direction of our company had become a higher priority than how I related to my peers, employees, family and friends. Your direct approach and real life situations hit home for me. I left a better leader, have more awareness for my contribution and the ripple effect and know what I can do immediately to improve my life and the lives of those I care about."
"You wowed everyone at the Marketing Executive Council in Sedona. I was proud to be associated with you and ProMeridian at the event." “Therese Grayson’s lecture on ‘Recreating Competitiveness’ was outstanding! The feedback was extremely positive and several attendees indicated that she was the best speaker they have ever heard. I was impressed by her people-first management style, and how sincerely she practices and preaches it. She brought a more real and sharper dimension to strategy planning and implementing.” American Graduate School of International Management
Director of Events, Linkage, Inc
Senior VP, Alagasco
Senior Executive, 15 time JD Power Award Winning Company